Urami Koi, Koi, Urami Koi Wikia
Execution of Enforcement
Kyouichi using the Execution of enforcement
User(s) Kyouichi Nekuni (Current User)
Miyako Nekuni (Former)
Gouichi Nekuni (Former)
Gouichin Nekuni (Former)
Toya Itachizuka (Temporary)
Manga Chapter 2: A Cornered Rat Will Even Bite a Rat

Execution of Enforcement is an ability that the current head of the Nekuni Family inherits and other people may have the same power due to other circumstances. Kyouichi Nekuni is the current owner of the ability in the family, even though he can't properly use it as a youkai.


When the user uses this technique, the words he or she says become imbued with power and force the targeted person to carry out the given order no matter what the order may be. The requirement to use the Execution of Enforcement is to show no empathy towards the target or even look at their point of view, in other words cruel and ruthless. The effect weakens when the user grows older.

Using this ability allows the user to increase the inner potential of their given target. The Nekuni Family chose the Inuhara Family, and not the the Ushigura Family, to be their bodyguards because they were more compatible to the use of this ability on them. It allows them to draw out power even greater than what they can normally do on their own.


  • The Itachizuka Family can also use this ability but only on a specific day.
    • Their version of this ability is inferior to the Nekuni's version because theirs only works with direct contact.


